Lessons from the Wise Men – Christmas 2023

When the Wise Men brought their gifts for the King, they brought them not because of some benefit that toddler king would give them in that moment. They brought the gold, frankincense, and myrrh to a child, whom Israel “esteemed not.” There was nothing notable about him at that age to distinguish Jesus from any other child except Hebrew prophecy accompanied with the very specific and peculiar sign of that celestial ‘star’ over Bethlehem.  That was all. Prophecy and a sign of fulfillment was all the Wise Men had, and still they traveled and cast their gifts at the Child-King’s feet. They didn’t ask for more signs. They had been looking for this fulfillment for generations, while Israel polluted herself with the gods of other nations. Moreover, they settled in their hearts what to bring such a king that was worthy of His royalty, and their gifts are etched in the eternal Word of God forever!

Some will look at that part of the story and blindly neglect what it’s really trying to teach us about Christmas. And that truth is this: Emmanuel is for our great eternal benefit, yes! But Emmanuel, “God with Us,” far more importantly about the GLORY of the Father! God’s greatest and most abundant glory comes through a Creation that can and will continually honor and worship Him, not through one under the curse of Man’s Fall and bound for condemnation. Thus, James reminds us that “Mercy triumph over judgment.” That’s why Jesus came. That’s why Jesus said, “Behold, I am making all things new…” That’s why there will be a burning away of the Earth and Heavens that exist now, as both have been corrupted by rebellion from the created. But God will re-create through Jesus for His Glory, and those who believe in Jesus are the beneficiaries, not the benefactors. It’s not about us! We literally owe Him everything.

We’ve become a people more focused on the giving during Christmas at the neglect of the WORSHIP due Him! Imagine if God’s people worshiped holistically “in spirit and in truth” that Jesus spoke of with Nicodemus on that fateful evening so long ago (John 3). Imagine how the honor from that kind of worship toward God would impact the kinds of gifts and the manner in which we give and receive gifts during this most precious of seasons.

So how can we apply this to our lives this Christmas?

  • First, start with earnest repentance before our Holy God, through Christ Jesus. Acknowledge your neglect and lack of understanding, and ask the Lord to orient your heart back to His.
  • Second, worship Him with your song, your deeds, and your attitude, and YOUR OWN GIFTS. Ascribe to Jesus, with your daily living, the honor and glory due Him.
  • Third, ask yourself, “What have I laid at the feet of Jesus lately (other than your burdens)?” If your answer is along the lines of, “We’ll I just don’t have money to give to the church…. “ or something similar . . . Do you really need to be spending money on presents for other people you cannot afford?
  • Fourth, pray over the people you wish to buy for and ask God to guide that decision making process. (Have you ever done that? Novel idea, right?!?!)
  • Fifth, let a grateful heart guide your giving and receiving. Be warned, you won’t know what it is to have a grateful heart unless you render to the Lord what is the Lord’s. Furthermore, it’s OKAY if someone doesn’t give you a present, so don’t hold it against them.
  • Sixth, give from your heart according to your means, and let that be enough. You cannot help how someone will receive your gift, for you can only control the manner in which it is given. Give thoughtfully and graciously. People instinctively know when gifts are genuine.
  • Seventh, have a very, Merry Christmas for the GLORY of God!

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