Roe v. Wade Overturned?? Are We Ready?

Response to (Potentially) Overturning Roe v Wade

By Rev. Christopher L. Moss

The nation awoke this morning rocked by the leaking of a draft SCOTUS Opinion that appears to indicate the overturning of Roe v. Wade, that infamous and hellish SCOTUS decision that handed death certificates to over 64 million unborn U.S. citizens (and counting) since 1973. There are a lot of questions this leak has stirred among us. First, we don’t know if the draft is authentic. It’s no secret that the political climate of our nation, currently, is akin to the nastiest of divorces. Second, if the draft is authentic, the leaker has committed an act of espionage and sabotage unlike no other. This is treason, and it is solely aimed at influencing the upcoming midterm elections as the Left has nothing to run on except inflation, high energy costs, an open boarder that our nation will suffer from for a very long time and funding a foreign war in which our President seems to be personally entangled with both of the nations. Third, if the draft is authentic, it proves the presence of evil forces throughout all levels of our government in all of its branches, whose desire is to squash dissenting voices and overthrow “We the people.” If authentic, this is a travesty of outlandish proportions for the sake of our long-held institutions and our constitutional integrity as a sovereign nation.

From a Christian perspective, I’m overjoyed that Roe v. Wade might just see its end in my lifetime. It’s something I’ve prayed for and fought for in many ways to the extent at which I have been able. Just last week the Biden Administration instituted a new “Ministry of Truth” to censor “disinformation.” It’s as if the Democrats are reading Orwell’s 1984 for their 2022 playbook. Any logical Christian knows the coming persecution from that kind of government agency and from the Administration that gave it life. So the irony here is whether or not this new Ministry of Truth will have an answer regarding the authenticity of this monstrous leak from Alito’s desk. I won’t hold my breath.

As we look together into the future and wonder what that world will look like without the constitutional enshrinement of premeditated murder of our unborn neighbors, there are some things we must be ready to act on. The church can no longer give verbal ascent to the cause for life without action. If unwanted babies are going to be born in our nation, those in the church must be willing to adopt. This is a means of building God’s Kingdom here on earth. If unwanted babies are going to be born in our nation, our churches must put our money where our mouths are in funding orphanages, adoption agencies, etc. for the sake of those least among us. Our churches must be ready to walk alongside young and expecting mothers without adding the reproach and shame. These ladies know they’ve messed up, they don’t need our reminder, just our love. God uses sinful choices for incredible outcomes, and our churches have done so much harm in the last 50 years (and prior) for neglecting young mothers when they need us the most. The men in our churches are going to have to be men and walk with terrified soon-to-be fathers who would rather run than stay. Our churches must be willing to sacrifice in ways we have neglected over the years.

I firmly believe that the current State of the Union finds itself in rampant moral decay and degradation because the Church has failed (is failing). In the Old Testament, God’s Covenant with Abraham affirmed that his offspring (Israel) would be a blessing to the Nations. History shows quite a different outcome many times throughout Israel’s vast history. That covenant promise to Abraham has found its way to God’s church through the life, death and resurrection of the Son of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Thus, the Church throughout the world is the receiver of covenant blessings now, but those blessings are tethered to covenant obligations. Hear this: The Church is to be a blessing to the Nations . . . HOWEVER, The Church in America has failed to be that blessing concerning abortion in our country. We can point fingers at the secular pluralism of the populace. We can point fingers at politicians, though we are the ones who elect them. We can point fingers at institutions like Planned Parenthood or Hollywood or wayward public school teachers and officials. Nothing will change until we deal with our share of the blame as a Church and repent of it.

Abortion is NOT a political argument. It has been politicized by both sides for too many decades. It’s always a hot button issue for election campaigns, and it shouldn’t be! Abortion is murder, and murder is against the law. Our children deserve better from us as a nation, both born and UNBORN. It’s the Democrats (and many Republicans who give lip service only) who embrace wholeheartedly the wicked pseudo-constitutional right for murdering the unborn. Those who vote democratic and yet claim to be against abortion, are indeed FOR abortion. Let us be reminded that it was Southern Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan. It was a racist white woman, Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood to control African American population growth. To this day, Planned Parenthood is succeeding in doing just that as they prey on minorities. I guess there isn’t much of a difference between the KKK and Planned Parenthood. It seems Planned Parenthood traded white bed sheets and lynching techniques for white coats and dissection tools. And for those spineless Republicans who have used the unborn as pawn for political gain, the blood of the unborn covers them in guilt just as thoroughly. There aren’t many in Washington who have clean hands when it comes to the issue of abortion, and that reality rests SOLELY on the people who voted them into office, Republican and Democrat alike. Elections have consequences, but the People bear the responsibility. That is the nature of a self-governing populace with a democratic republic.

Our children deserve better from God’s Saints than mere verbiage and wasted votes. They deserve life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. They deserve a helping hand from us Jesus followers to help make it happen. And those who kill the unborn should be held accountable for it. I’m fully in favor of death row for practitioners of child sacrifice. Mothers have been lied too long enough! May truth prevail! May life find a way! And May God get His glory, even if it means the fabric of our nation is ripped apart at its seams! God, help us!


UPDATE: As of Noon on 5.3.2022, Chief Roberts confirmed the authenticity of the draft! Roe is dead! Praise the Lord.


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